Our Trainers
Eight Times World Memory Champion Guinness World Records Holder in Memory
The Best-Selling author of 13 books on Memory, corporate trainer and speaker Dominic O’Brien once memorized 54 decks of cards after just a single-sighting.
He teaches business professionals, public figures, and entire audiences to significantly improve their memory and cognitive ability in their personal and professional lives. He is Head of Ethics with the World Memory Sports Council and organizes Memory Championships around the world.
In 1994, Dominic was named Brain of the Year by the Brain Trust of Great Britain, and the Grand Master of Memory award was presented to him by Prince Philippe of Liechtenstein. The Gifted Academy presents Special Training Programmes with Dominic O'Brien.
Dominic O'Brien
Director of Memory Training
Phil Chambers is a ThinkBuzan Master Trainer, trained by Tony Buzan (Originator of Mind Mapping), a Registered Accelerated Learning trainer, Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and a member of the Professional Speaking Association.
Prior to entering the training profession Phil worked as a computer programmer and has an honors degree in Physics and Chemistry from the University of Durham.
Phil is Chief Arbiter of the World Memory Sports Council, scorer and statistician at the UK and World Memory Championships as well as overseeing national memory competitions around the world. He was a founder member of the Mind Sports Council and the only person to win the Brain Trust's "Special Services to Memory" award twice (1996 a 2010).
He is the reigning and twice World Mind Mapping Champion, six times Mind Sports Olympiad Medallist and an International Grand Master of Mind Mapping.
He is a co-author of 8 books on thinking skills, memory, and learning in business and education including Brilliant Speed Reading (Pearson 2013). Phil’s Mind Maps feature extensively in many of Tony Buzan's books and he has worked as a consultant on Max Your Brain and Trains Your Brain to be a Genius.
Phil Chambers
Senior Trainer